The 2025 Santorini - Amorgos zone crisis

- Volcanologist Dr Janine Krippner The photo above was taken by Santorini volcanologist Sandy Drymoni. Last updated: 25 Feb 2025 (New Zealand time) 24 February Greece time. The Greek version of this page is here , where updates may be staggered as this is a joint effort with Sandy Drymoni. With the ongoing crisis in the area around Santorini in Greece, here are links to websites and information that we will update as we see it. I am working behind the scenes with scientists around the world to watch out for questions, misinformation, and concerns, and provide information where we can. There is high uncertainty involved. This is a very complex and evolving situation and we do not know where this will lead. Our thoughts are with the local communities experiencing the activity, and the local scientists working tirelessly to figure out what is happening. We are not forecasting what might happen next, we are not an observatory. This is simply to try to help with providing information...