Agung Volcano Unrest Information

- Dr. Janine Krippner I am NOT giving my own interpretations of the data and what the data means. I am NOT, and CANNOT tell people what this volcano might or might not do. Please always refer to all official source links below. The utmost respect must be given to the local authorities monitoring Agung. I am not in Bali, nor am I an authority on Agung Volcano. I have not worked on Agung volcano, or any Indonesian volcano for that matter. Always look to the official sources for information, or to verify any information. Official sources of information: Twitter: Magma Indonesia , Sutopo Purwo Nugroho , BNPB Indonesia , PVMBG-CVGHM Websites: Magma Indonesia Website , BNPB website , ESDM Website Facebook: BNPB I have been getting a lot of questions from travelers who are in, or planning on being in, Bali. Many travelers don't know where to get official information, cannot read it as it is in Indonesian, and do not, understandably, understand what it means. So, r...